22 Goal-Setting Memes for 2023

Lighten up your team's next goal-setting session with these funny memes.

Let’s dive in!

Memes for setting sprint goals

When 8 hours of meetings hold you back from hitting your sprint goals

Me trying to hit my sprint goals by the end of the cycle

Memes for setting SMART goals

Setting Normal Goals vs. Setting SMART Goals

When the goal isn't specific, measurable, achievable, or time-bound

Memes for setting stretch goals

When your manager assigns a stretch goal

Me hitting my stretch goals

Memes for setting quarterly goals

Me getting ready to hit all my Q4 goals

When you wait until the end of the quarter to make progress on your goals

When you write quarterly goals in a spreadsheet and forget they exist

My team's goals for the quarter vs. what we can actually accomplish during the quarter

Memes for setting OKRs

When someone says "objectives and key results" instead of OKRs

When your team doesn't fill out the OKR spreadsheet

Memes about updating the status of a goal

Me when my manager asks for an update on my goal progress

When all your team's goals in Range are "at risk" instead of "on track"

When you set your goal status to "on track" in Range

Memes for setting weekly goals

When non-stop meetings and notifications get in the way of your weekly goals

Me racing to hit my goals for the week on Friday afternoon

Miscellaneous goal-setting memes

My team switching up our goals mid-year

Me checking the company KPI dashboard

When your team schedules meetings to discuss goals instead of running async goal check-ins

When your team's goals aren't connected to daily work

Align your daily work to team goals with Range

Managing team goals in practice can be a challenge, especially for distributed teams, but tools like Range can help.

With Range, teams can bridge the gap between goals and daily work by setting goals and objectives aligned to broader business goals and linking those objectives to specific projects and tasks.

goals objectives Range
  • Set a goal for metrics, objectives, and KPIs
  • With hashtags, see all artifacts, updates, and day-to-day progress in one place
  • Share goal updates with leaders via Slack or email
  • Integrate with tools like Slack, Asana, Trello, GitHub and more
  • Easily track goals and objectives across all your work streams

⭐️ Improve goal tracking on your team

⚑️Try Goals in Range today β€” free for up to 12 users

Try Range for Free

No credit cards required to practice better teamwork.
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22 Goal-Setting Memes for 2023
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