Meetings don't have to suck

Effective meeting sessions

Maximize the value of in-person time, with insights on how to facilitate efficient and effective meetings.

Smile EmojiSquigee ArrowPhoto of Jean Hsu

β€œHi there! I can't stand meetings that are a waste of time, so I've spent years making meetings more engaging and efficient β€” so that everyone's time is well-spent. Now, I want to share everything I've learned with you.”

Join Jean for an Effective Meetings session to learn how to run better meetings for your team. You'll learn:

  • What makes a meeting effective?
  • How to keep a meeting on-track when people try to hijack topics
  • Facilitation tips for interrupting and re-directing meeting participants
  • How just a bit of structure and intention can help you make the most out of synchronous meeting time
  • and much more...

Upcoming Effective Meeting sessions:

  • Wednesday, July 28th at 8am PT (FULL)
  • Wednesday, July 28th at 10am PT (FULL)
  • Wednesday, July 28th at 11:30am PT
  • Friday, July 30th at 8am PT (FULL)
  • Friday, July 30th at 10am PT (FULL)

Effective Meetings sessions will be run over Zoom, so feel free to join from anywhere.

Reserve your spot

Smile EmojiSquigee ArrowPhoto of Jamie Talbot

β€œJean is one of the best facilitators of meetings I've ever had the pleasure of working with, so it's no surprise that this training was full of helpful advice on how to have great meetings. We're looking forward to putting these strategies into practice and making meetings more effective and even, gasp, fun!”