
How to include activity from Asana in your Range Check-in

How it works

When you link Range and Asana, Range can suggest tasks to include in your Check-in. On your My Check-in page, you'll see suggestions for Asana tasks:

  • Assigned to you
  • Completed
  • Viewed

For work items you're actively working on, add them to the Plan section of your Check-in. For anything you've completed, add it to the What happened section.

Items included in your Check-in Plan that are later marked complete will automatically be moved to the What happened section.


Asana is connected on a per user basis from the integrations settings page. Simply click Link Asana and go through the authentication flow.

Once you have integrated with Asana, you will not see any previously assigned tasks. Anything you'd like to see in your suggestions toolbar will need to be reassigned to you.

Security considerations

Range uses OAuth to authenticate with the Asana API and requests the default scopes. Range configures webhooks on each project the user has access to and monitors the event streams. Suggestions are created when a user is assigned a task or a task is completed.

Range persists the following data from Asana tasks:

  • Name
  • Notes
  • Item URL
  • Project Name
  • Project Notes
  • Project URL
  • Created At
  • Completed At

Known Issues

Activity on private tasks found in Asana's My Tasks view will not show up in Range. A recommended workaround is to create a private project to collect personal tasks.

Connect Asana

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