Use Range slash commands in Slack

Overview of all the potential commands in Slack with Range

Here’s a list of commands you can use to interact with Range:


/range help β€” List all of the commands I know
/range checkin β€” Compose your Range Check-in right here in Slack
/range subscriptions β€” Manage your subscriptions to Range updates
/range subscribe @user β€” Subscribe to an individual in Range by their Slack username
/range subscribe team-id β€” Subscribe to a team in Range by a Team ID (found in the Range URL)
/range unsubscribe @user β€” Unsubscribe to an individual in Range by their Slack username
/range unsubscribe team-id β€” Unsubscribe to a team in Range by a Team ID (found in the Range URL)
/range done Finished the TPS report β€” Log an item you've completed
/range todo Fix the printer β€” Add an item to your plan
/range timezones β€” List the times and timezones of the Range users in this channel
/range moods β€” List the moods of the Range users in this channel
/range whois @user β€” Lookup an individual's profile in Range by their Slack username
/range whois team-id β€” Lookup a team's profile in Range by a Team ID (found in the Range URL)
/range question [category]
β€” Get to know your team with a team-building question (optional categories: fun, deep, reflection, intro, easy, medium, hard)
/range vc [name] β€” Start a video chat using Google Meet
/range debug β€” Range support may ask you to run this if you're having Slack issues

Slash commands not working?

You may need to upgrade your Range app on Slack to the newest version. Just follow these instructions.

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