51 Icebreaker Questions for Meetings (Updated for 2023)

Connect before the meeting starts

Josh Spilker,Yellow Squiggle
icebreaker questions for meetings in Range

Meetings! If you work in just about any capacity, you'll probably have a meeting.

In fact, the average person attends 62 meetings a month—over half, they say, are a complete waste of time.


That's a lot of wasted time. One thing you can do to engage people before a meeting and to get more people involved is to ask an icebreaker question.

This is an important part of how we suggest running meetings at Range -- in fact, in our meeting management software, we have an icebreaker question and attendee spinner to help you do it.

Try our (free) icebreaker generator

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Try our (free) icebreaker generator

Take a spin! Start your next meeting with one of these icebreaker questions. It works the same way in Range.

When to use these icebreaker questions for meetings: 1:1 meeting, team meetings, staff meetings, even with async check-ins!

Why meeting icebreakers are important: You’ll learn a little about your colleagues and also be armed with some good intel on how you might brighten their day after a busy product launch or hectic week. Remember, it's not just about team leads or managers getting to know their employees better, it's also about your team getting to know each other better.

An icebreaker question that you may not be too fond of could get other team members talking!

Check out our list below.

What are the best meeting icebreaker questions?

  1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
  2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
  3. What was your first job ever?
  4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
  5. What was the last trip you went on (or are going on)? Why did you choose that destination/was it for a special occasion?
  6. What is your favorite type of food/restaurant to eat at?
  7. How would you describe your taste in music--conservative or eclectic?
  8. What newspaper/website do you read most often for your news?
  9. What was the last book you read--did you enjoy it or not?
  10. Do you like animals- if so, do you have any pets?
  11. What wins or progress are you celebrating this week?
  12. What are you most excited about tackling next week?
  13. What helps you de-stress or unwind?
  14. What’s something you’re looking forward to this week?
  15. If money wasn’t an object, what would you do on your dream vacation?
  16. What's a movie you've watched 10 times or more?
  17. What would constitute a perfect day for you?
  18. What’s your morning routine like?
  19. What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?
  20. If you could invent a new flavor of ice cream, what would it be?
  21. What’s the last dream that you remember?
  22. What’s the worst haircut you’ve ever had?
  23. If you could get a meeting with anyone in the world, who would it be? Why?
  24. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?
  25. Back at school, were you on any teams or in any clubs? What was your favorite? Why?
  26. What’s your favorite season? Why?
  27. What seemingly tiny thing are you especially grateful for?
  28. What should be M&M’s next new color or flavor?
  29. What’s one thing you enjoy about your home or neighborhood?
  30. If you could add any snack to the kitchen at work, what would it be?
  31. What is your earliest childhood memory?
  32. What’s your favorite song, and why?
  33. What does your name mean?
  34. You’re stranded on a desert island. What’s the one thing you couldn’t live without?
  35. What would you rather hear first: good news or bad news?
  36. What’s a current trend you find interesting?
  37. Do you have a favorite sports team?
  38. What's a hobby you want to pick up but haven't yet?
  39. Do you prefer working alone or in groups? Why?
  40. Do you prefer structured or unstructured days?
  41. What is your favorite type of food/restaurant to eat at?
  42. Do prefer small talk or more substantive conversations?
  43. What is your favorite holiday?
  44. Who is your favorite athlete?
  45. What is your favorite store?
  46. What is your favorite place to go for a night out?
  47. What is your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?
  48. What is your favorite breakfast food?
  49. What is your favorite thing to cook at home?
  50. What is your favorite thing to eat for a snack?
  51. What is your favorite game to play?

🏙 Get even more team building questions.

Have great meetings with Range

For meetings, Range automatically pulls in icebreaker questions at the beginning and end of your time together. It’s a lightweight way to boost engagement and help the whole team feel more connected.

  • Easily facilitate balanced discussions that make every meeting worthwhile
  • Keep everyone included and on track with much less effort.
  • Build agendas, record actions, and share notes automatically
  • Create a recurring agenda for all the topics your team discusses every week from metrics to project updates.
  • Empower discussion by building a collaborative agenda & spinning to select others to speak
  • Easily document notes from each topic to keep everyone in the loop.
  • Host your meeting agenda inside Microsoft Teams and Zoom, or share notes via Slack. Check how integrations work in Range.

⭐️ Build camaraderie and connect with everyone on your team with icebreaker questions before the meeting starts.

⚡️Start with Range today.

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The 51 Best Icebreaker Questions for Meetings (Updated for 2023)
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