Top Agenda App Software for Teams

Build meeting agendas from multiple users in real-time. Range keeps your meetings on track and everyone engaged.

Free for 12 users β€’ No credit card required
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Momentum Leader Award - Winter 2022
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Photo of Chris Tower

β€œBy using Range, our eng team can keep our meetings efficient and still know what everyone is doing. Plus, I can easily see who needs help and check on how folks are feeling.”

Chris Tower, VP of Engineering at Big Health

How to manage meetings & create agendas with Range

Build agendas in multiplayer mode.

Step 1

Build agendas in multiplayer mode.

Create agenda items from email or Slack. Add, remove, and re-order topics as a team β€” before the meeting and in real time.

Guide purposeful discussions.

Step 2

Guide purposeful discussions.

Have a clear agenda & follow it. Give each topic an owner and time limit to keep the meeting on track.

Get the whole team engaged with the spinner.

Step 3

Get the whole team engaged with the spinner.

When you meet live, run icebreaker rounds to help all participants feel seen and heard. Use the spinner to give everyone a chance to share.

Don't slow down after the meeting.

Step 4

Don't slow down after the meeting.

Document notes and action items. Automatically share takeaways when the meeting ends so the whole team has visibliity into decisions and next steps β€” even those who couldn't attend.

See how Range Meetings Work

The best meeting agenda software for fast-growing teams

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What's different about Range?

Use it as an agenda app & meeting software
illustration of a Range agenda with facilitation tools

Cover one agenda topic at a time. Use built-in facilitation tools to keep every conversation inclusive and organized.

illustration of Range logo with google calendar events and Slack and Gmail logos

Connect Range agendas to Google Calendar events to make every conversation count. Build collaborative agendas and automatically share notes via email and Slack.

illustration of Range action items

Capture and assign action items during every meeting so your team can move work forward and hit goals faster.

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Smile EmojiSquigee ArrowPhoto of Chris Tower

β€œBy using Range, our eng team can keep our meetings efficient and still know what everyone is doing. Plus, I can easily see who needs help and check on how folks are feeling.”

Start with a meeting agenda template

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Weekly Team Meeting Template

When you need to meet as a team, take time to connect on a personal level, review progress, and get everyone involved. Access the template.

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Sprint Review Meeting Template

Inspect and discuss the outcomes of a recent sprint as a team. Decide how you will apply learnings to future sprints. Access the template.

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Weekly 1:1 Meeting Template

Unblock and support your direct reports. Identify opportunities for development and growth. Access the template.

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Meet with Range.

  • Fast-growing meeting agenda software
  • Facilitate collaborative meetings
  • Integrate seamlessly with your favorite tools
  • Keep your team feeling connected
  • Run async check-ins
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Try Range for free

Try Range today for free
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We love the capacity to build recurring topics, see our objectives, outstanding action items and our flagged items directly in our meeting agenda. It greatly helps in easily building our agenda as well as facilitating our meetings.
Jean-Francois Pilon

Jean-Francois Pilon

Technology Director

There is a direct correlation between when I run the meeting in Range, and a 50% reduction in the amount of time our standup takes out of my team’s day.
Will Persampieri

Will Persampieri

Engineering Team Lead

This is a great resource tool for a manager who likes to check in on their staff but does not want to micromanage them!
Christy Tallman

Christy Tallman

Billing Manager

With Range, it's easier to set up repeating team meetings, which means they're more effective and shorter.
Adam Whitlock

Adam Whitlock

Site Reliability Engineer