Weekly Team Meeting Template

Keep your team focused on outcomes

Use this agenda for free

Many meetings might not seem like they need an agenda or additional structure, but using an agenda sets expectations and includes everyone. At Range, meetings and agendas have changed the course of projects and even organizational priorities. Everyone participates in the success.


1. Check-In

How is everyone feeling? What's their state of mind. Having a check-in at the beginning of the meeting gets everyone talking.

2. Metrics review ( 10 mins )

Review monthly progress compared to last month on KPIs and your top-level goals.

3. Monthly milestone progress ( 15 mins )

Break quarterly goals into monthly milestones in advance. Each goal owner should provide an update in advance of the weekly meeting. Review the key milestones with metrics, in addition to other objectives.

4. Successes & Learnings ( 10 mins )

Share async in writing then discuss selected cross-team learnings. The team should cover experiment wins, cross-functional updates from product, sales, engineering, and more. Managers should report on C-level updates and any other relevant company news.

5. Topic sharing ( 15 mins )

Deep dive on a specific topic led by rotating members of the team. e.g. upcoming product releases, urgent topics, and plans for the next week.

6. Closing round

Go around and share something you're excited for in the coming week. Use the spinner in Range to ensure everyone has a turn.

Wondering what this meeting agenda will look like when you’re running your meeting? Take a look below!

Click here or above to try this template with your team.

Screenshot of agenda