Manage multiple customized Check-ins

How Range manages customized Check-ins when you’re on multiple teams

Depending on the size of your organization (department) or company, and depending on your role within the company, you might end up on more than one team in Range. In this case, it’s also possible that you end up being a member of teams that operate under different customized Check-ins.

In this case, when you go to your Notifications screen under settings in Range you will see the option On a combined schedule from your teams: Team A, Team B selected under the “How often do you plan to share Check-ins?” section.

Combined Check-in Schedules in Range

What does this mean for my customized Check-ins?

If you are a part of multiple teams that have set up customized Check-ins different from the default of your workspace, then we will combine all of those customizations. This means we will take the earlier of the times so that you get everything shared on time for all your teams.

So, from what might have seemed a bit of a hairy mess, Range will produce for you a clear readout of your schedule calling out the days, reminder time, summary time, and schedule type for you (as shown in the gray text under the combined option).

If you want to create a personal custom Check-in for yourself, please take a look at our article about setting and adjusting personal customized Check-ins.

Review your customized Check-ins

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