How to run a distributed standup in Range

Setting up custom schedules and timezones for Range check-ins

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If you're not familiar with standups already, daily standup meetings are a space for small, collaborative groups to come together to move projects forward. They’re more focused and concise than other meetings that might bring your team together, like an All Hands, planning meeting, or 1:1. You can learn more about effective stand ups.

The trouble with standups is they usually require everyone to meet at the same time, but when half the team is in Singapore and half the team is in Vancouver, that's easier said than done.

With Range, teams can run distributed standups that empower each teammate to work on their own schedule. The process is simple: each teammate writes a check-in when they start their day, and Range helps share that information out with the rest of the team at the right time.

Continue reading for all the steps you need to get started.

Setting up Distributed Schedules

First, decide what schedule you want to do your standup on. A daily standup is best for teams that work closely together while biweekly or weekly can work well for teams that work more independently.

Set up your schedule: In Range, navigate to the settings tab and select "Check-in Schedules" under workspace settings. You'll select which days and times to run your standup. You can also choose wether to set up the schedule to run at the same time no matter the timezone or to be distributed based on each teammate's local time. Learn how to set your schedule.

Connect Slack or MS Teams: Notifications are a key part of ensuring your team remembers to share their check-in—especially if you're not sharing yours for another 6 hours. Connecting Slack or MS Teams to Range helps ensure notifications reach them in the right place. Learn how to set up Slack or MS Teams.

Check-in Routine

Depending on your cadence for check-ins, you'll see a notification in Slack or MS teams each day or the specific days you selected.

Write your check-in: After (or before) your reminder, you'll write your check-in. Range remembers what you share din your last Check-in and integrates with your tools, so it takes just a few minutes to write your plan and share what happened yesterday. Don't forget to answer the team question—regular moments of connection help build psychological safety. Tips for writing your first check-in.

Read and react: Once the team has shared check-ins, you can navigate to Range to read and react. During meetings, it's easy to tell others are listening or not, but async makes that more difficult. In Range, you can react with simple emojis or add comments to ensure others know you've seen their check-ins. Plus, the magic of Range is the structured summaries that make it easy to see what's happening across work streams.

Get Started

Once you're ready to get started, write a short email or Slack message to your team to explain the plan—the cadence, the why, and the next steps. Don't forget to invite them to Range too.

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